
CECA Mini-symposium on Frontier in Computer Systems Research was held at PKU


 Dec. 13, 2012 - CECA Mini-symposium on Frontier in Computer Systems Research was held at PKU. Attendees includes Prof. Jason Cong (director of CECA), Prof. Tao Wang (executive director of CECA), Dr. Guojie Luo, Dr. Guangyu Sun, Dr. Yun Liang, Prof. Songwu Lu (adjunct professor of CECA and professor of UCLA), Prof. Yuan Xie (adjunct professor of CECA and professor of PSU), Prof. Josep Torrellas (professor of UIUC), Prof. Wen Gao, Prof. Shiyi Chen (Dean, College of Engineering, PKU), Prof. Dongxiao Zhang (Vice Dean, College of Engineering, PKU), faculty members and students from EECS.

Invited talk by Prof.Josep Torrellas: Extreme Scale Computer Architecture: Energy Efficiency from the Ground Up.

Talk by Prof. Jason Cong: Programming, Compilation, and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Computing Systems.

Talk by Prof. Yuan Xie: Future Memory Technologies and the Impact on Computer Architecture Design.

Talk by Prof. Songwu Lu: How and Why 3G/4G technology overcharges you for your mobile data access? 

Talk by Dr. Guojie Luo: Heterogeneous FPGA CAD - Need for Quality and Efficiency

Talk by Dr. Yun Liang: GPU Acceleration and Optimization