


  中心主任丛京生教授于2013年5月20日受邀参加了IEEE电路与系统国际研讨会(International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS),并发表了名为“Computing Beyond Processors”的大会主题报告。ISCAS是当今世界电路与系统领域的顶级学术会议,聚集了众多在该领域活跃的前沿科研人员。ISCAS-2013, 由IEEE电路与系统学会主办,2013年5月19日到5月23日在中国的北京召开。来自世界各地的超过900位科研人员参加了本次会议。

The classical von Neumann architecture allows efficient sharing of the same execution pipeline for different instructions, providing an elegant solution when the computing resource is scarce.  However, future computers are not limited by the available computing resources, but constrained by the power and energy. Therefore, a fundamental departure from the von Neumann architecture is likely required to achieve much higher energy efficiency. In particular, we believe that heterogeneity in the computer architecture is important, in terms of both space and time, so that one can efficiently adapt the architecture to different application workloads for better energy efficiency. In my talk, I shall discuss the need and progress of transition, highlight some recent results on supporting such customizable heterogeneous computing platforms at both the circuit level and the architecture/system level, and demonstrate how such customization techniques can be applied to different application domains to achieve much better energy
