
CECA 2013 graduate students annual review meeting was successfully held


CECA 2013 graduate students annual review meeting was successfully held. Prof. Jason Cong, director of CECA, announced the prize of outstanding graduate students of CECA in 2013 at the meeting.

Best graduate student prize of CECA 2013: Jiahua Chen, advisor: Prof. Songwu Lu, Prof. Tao Wang


Best graduate student prize of CECA 2013: Yuxin Wang, advisor: Prof. Jason Cong


Outstanding graduate student prize of CECA 2013: Xiaolong Xie, advisor: Dr. Yun Liang


Outstanding graduate student prize of CECA 2013: Xian Zhang, advisor: Dr. Guangyu Sun


Outstanding graduate student prize of CECA 2013: Peng Wang, advisor: Dr. Guangyu Sun