

Executive Director: Guojie Luo
Assistant Director: Yun (Eric) Liang


Guest Professors (A-Z)
        As a unique benefit in CECA, we invited guest professors with high academic reputation to join CECA. They will commit several months per year in research & education in CECA, and collaborate tightly with CECA local faculties to help in the development of their career. Now we have three guest professors in CECA:
Joel Emer, Senior Distinguished Research Scientist, Nvidia Research, Professor of the Practice, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Areas of study: Architecture
Songwu Lu, Professor at UCLA, research interests: wireless networking, cloud computing, mobile systems, wireless network security and Internet security
Wayne Luk, Professor, Imperial College London; research interests: reconfigurable architectures
Yun (Eric) Liang, Associate Professor, research interests: embedded systems, complier, computer architecture, GPUs and FPGAs computing
Yibo Lin, Assistant Professor, research interests: Machine learning in EDA, GPU/FPGA acceleration for EDA
Guojie Luo, Associate Professor, research interests: physical design automation, scalable algorithms, 3D integration
Guangyu Sun, Associate Professor, research interests: Computer architecture with an emphasis on memory systems and the three dimension (3D) architectures, 3D VLSI designs, CAD tools development
Tao Wang, Research Professor , research interests: affective computing, intelligent robot system, computer architecture
Chenren Xu, Assistant Professor, research interests: Wireless Network Architecture, Mobile System, Ubiquitous Computing
Yuan Luo, Administrative Assistant, luoyuan0820 [at]
Ting Wen, Administrative Assistant, wenting2018 [at]
 There are currrently 22 Ph.D students and 5 Master students studying at CECA. For more detailed information, please click here.
 There are currently tens of undergraduate students doing research at CECA. For more detailed information, please consult the full-time faculties click here.

        CECA has graduated 7 Ph.D student, 5 Master student and 30 undergraduate students since 2012, a number of which continued their studies at top universities of the world, including Peking University, MIT, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon University, New York University and University of Waterloo. Within the next few years, CECA plans to recruit 100 students. CECA has also recommended students to join short-term and long-term exchange programs at various prestigious universities of the world such as Stanford University, Cornell University, UCLA, UCSB, and OSU (from three months to one year). For more detailed information, please click here.