
The paper by Prof. Cong and Dr. Guangyu Sun's group was accepted by EuroSys 2014


Congratulations to Peng Wang, Guangyu Sun, Chen Zhang and Jason Cong for the paper accepted by EuroSys 2014.


Paper Information

An Efficient Design and Implementation of LSM-Tree based Key-Value Store on Open-Channel SSD, Peng Wang, Guangyu Sun (Peking University), Song Jiang (Wayne State University), Jian Ouyang, Shiding Lin (Baidu Inc.), Chen Zhang (Peking University), Jason Cong (University of California, Los Angeles)


About EuroSys

The EuroSys conference series brings together professionals from academia and industry. It has a strong focus on systems research and development: operating systems, data base systems, real-time systems and middleware for networked, distributed, parallel, or embedded computing systems. EuroSys has become a premier forum for discussing various issues of systems software research and development, including implications related to hardware and applications. 


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