
The paper by Prof. Fan Ye's group was accepted by MobiCom'14


Congratulations to Prof. Fan Ye's group for the paper entitled "Jigsaw: Indoor Floor Plan Reconstruction via Mobile Crowdsensing" was accepted by MobiCom 2014.

Paper Information
Ruipeng Gao, Mingmin Zhao, Tao Ye, Fan Ye, Yizhou Wang, Kaigui Bian, Tao Wang , Xiaoming Li, "Jigsaw: Indoor Floor Plan Reconstruction via Mobile Crowdsensing", to appear at the 20th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom 2014), Hawaii, USA, September 7-11, 2014
About MobiCom
MobiCom是ACM SIGMobile开办的无线和移动通信领域的顶尖会议,会议宗旨是“只求精品”,因此MobiCom另一个很大的特点就是录取率低——MobiCom采用Double-Blind审稿,通常每届会议录用近30篇论文,录取率基本低于10%,甚至连7%、8%这样的超低录取率都出现过,可见竞争之激烈。
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