
CECA Participated in the 6th Annual Symposium of JRI


 June 26-27, 2015 - The 6th Annual Symposium of JRI was held at Zhongguanyuan Global Village PKU. As members of JRI, all CECA faculty members took part in the symposium. Prof. Jason Cong gave a keynote speech entitled "Customized Computing for Big Data Applications in Health Sciences", Prof. Tao Wang and Prof. Songwu Lu co-chaired parallel session on Industrial Internet, Dr. Guojie Luo co-chaired parallel session on Image Processing + Applications together with Prof. Ming Jiang from School of Mathematical Science.

Keynote Speech by Prof. Jason Cong


Parallel Session on "Image Processing + Applications", co-chaired by Dr. Guojie Luo and Prof. Ming Jiang from School of Mathematical Science


Student volenteers from CECA


Student volenteers from CECA


Group Photo of 6th JRI Symposium