
Presentation by Dr.Guojie Luo & Minghua Shen at ICCAD'15


Nov. 2, 2015 - Dr.Guojie Luo and his PhD student Minghua Shen participated at IEEE/ACM 2015 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD 2015) and gave presentation for the paper entitled "Accelerate FPGA Routing with Parallel Recursive Partitioning".


Paper Information:

Minghua Shen and Guojie Luo, "Accelerate FPGA Routing with Parallel Recursive Partitioning," in Proceedings of IEEE/ACM 2015 International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD 2015), November 2-6, 2015, Austin, TX, USA.


About ICCAD:

ICCAD is the premier forum to explore emerging technology challenges, present cutting-edge R&D solutions, record theoretical and empirical advances, and identify future roadmaps for design automation. Continuing a long tradition, ICCAD continues to be the home for the ACM/SIGDA CADathlon and Student Research Competition, several CAD contests, including the IEEE CEDA CAD Contest, and a remarkable set of workshops on design automation for analog and mixed-signal circuits, EDA research on learning on a chip, design for dark silicon era, variability modeling and characterization, and formal verification.

ICCAD'15 website: