
程序设计实习 (英文授课)

  • 课程类别:信息科学技术学院本科生专业必修课
  • 授课时间:周三第3-4节、周五 (单周) 第7-8节
  • 授课学期:2015-2016春季学期
  • 授课地点:二教425
  • 课程学分:3学分
  • 授课教师:梁云


本课程介绍面向对象编程和基本算法,授课对象是低年级的本科生。课程分为C++ 程序设计语言和算法设计两部分。

This course introduces c++ programming and some basic algorithms for the first year undergraduate students. It not only teaches students the C++ programming concepts and algorithms, but also provides a rich set of practical problems for the students to solve. The goal of this course is to improve the problem solving capabilities. It consists of two parts: (i) C++ programming language, (ii) Algorithm design and problem solving.