Aug. 6, 2014 - Prof. Babak Falsafi from école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) visited CECA and gave a talk on "Big Data and Dark Silicon: Taming Two IT Inflection Points on a Collision Course".
Congratulations to Prof. Fan Ye's group for the paper entitled "Jigsaw: Indoor Floor Plan Reconstruction via Mobile Crowdsensing" was accepted by MobiCom 2014.
June 25, 2014 - Dr. Guojie Luo let PKU team won gold medal of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ACM-ICPC 2014). This is the first time when PKU won gold medal of this contest.
Jun. 20, 2014 - Prof. Xin Li from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) visited CECA and gave a talk on "Virtual Probe: A Statistical Framework for Low-Cost Variability Characterization of Nanoscale Integrated Circui...
The paper "3D-SWIFT: A high performance 3D Stacked Wide-IO DRAM" co-authered by Dr. Guangyu Sun and Prof. Yuan Xie (Prof. of Penn State University, also Adjunct Prof. of CECA) received Best Paper award at G...
Yuxin Wang successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation in May, 2014, and became the first Ph.D graduated from CECA.
May 30, 2014 - Dr. Shimeng Yu from Arizona State University visited CECA and gave a talk on "Resistive Radom Access Memory (RRAM) Tutorial".
May 29, 2014 - CECA undergraduate thesis review was successfully finished.
Dr. Peng Li was elected to Outstanding Postdoc of EECS 2013.
Dr. Guojie Luo's project "Energy-Efficient Software/Hardware Middleware for the Smartphone-centric Continuous Sensing" was supported by Beijing NSFC.