
计算机网络实习 Computer network practicum

  • 课程类别:任选
  • 授课时间:
  • 授课学期:2018-2019秋季学期
  • 授课地点:
  • 课程学分:2.0
  • 授课教师:许辰人



Computer networks and communication technology are the one of the fastest growing discilines in recent years, new technologies are emerging and ever-changing new products. To enable students after learning basic knowledge of finished Introduction to computer networks, using the theoretical knowledge into practice, is hereby set up this experimental course. Through a series of network experiments in the course to help students master the basic skills of network programming, master of C / S and B / S mode of service, learning mobile Internet-oriented application development technology. So as to achieve the purpose of cultivating students` ability of engineering practice.
In addition to the necessary network programming basic training, this course also combine the interest of the students themselves, to give students the freedom to choose the experimental topics. The students can choose the traditional C / S or B / S system, the game for the mobile Internet, instant messaging, network security tools and other related topics as an internship project objectives.